I'm a reluctant latecomer to the era of “personal broadcasting”. For many years, I have regarded blogs and twitter and suchlike with considerable disdain: it isn't a conversation; it isn't social; it's self-indulgent; in some sense, it embodies a certain hubris: that one has something to say that is worth hearing.
I know all this, yet I frequently find myself saying the same things over and over, and wishing that there was somewhere that I could write these things once and have them persist so that, rather than repeating myself, I could just point and say, “Look, I've already thought about this, and here's what I think”.
And so, my blog: Fuinneamh.
“Fuinneamh” is the Irish language word for energy. It is pronounced ['fwɪn.jəv] (approximately “fwinyev”) , or pretty close. I was tempted to call it “Innealtóireacht Acmhainní Fuinnimh”, a direct translation of “Energy Resources Engineering” — my course of study at Stanford — but it's that's a helluva mouthful for non-Irish speakers and I'm not that much of a gaelgóir (Irish speaker) anyway.
I don't expect that it'll be entirely, or even mostly, about energy, despite the title. I have eclectic interests — I have been called an “intellectual butterfly” — and I was born, and remain, a philosophaster, the most polite euphemism I could find for “bullshitter”.